Thursday, March 28, 2013

Will It Ever End?

It has been a trying time at the Farrier household for the past week - for humans and felines alike.

First off, we 'pet sat' for a dog. And, though she was polite and well-behaved enough, I don't think that our humans fully understand just how odious (literally) canines are to the superior sensibilities of cats. To put it bluntly, dogs stink.

To make matters worse, before the first dog had even gone home, a second arrived at our front door, brought by visiting out-of-state guests. Granted, the people were overjoyed to see their friends. Also granted, dog number two was likewise well behaved. However, a dog is a dog. Even though there were only two in our home at the same time for a few hours, the smell was positively overwhelming. I retreated to the farthest reaches of the upstairs bedrooms, and didn't come out until Saturday evening, when the odor of canine had dissipated slightly, letting me know that the final offending creature had likewise departed.

Imagine my dismay, then, when I emerged to find a coughing trio of young ladies, all feverish and utterly overcome by the flu. I'm grateful that cats can't catch this nasty virus from people, since it apparently can be quite uncomfortable.

Everyone's schedule (mine included) has been interrupted greatly by these inconveniences. The whole house reeks of menthol and medication, and hardly five minutes goes by where the air isn't punctuated by the sharp bark of a cough. (Speaking of bark - it is worth mentioning that the smell of dog still lingers, adding to the general air of misery. At least, for us cats. Somehow the people don't seem to notice it at all!)

I do so hope that everyone feels well, the weather warms up (which will allow us to throw open some windows to air the place out), and we can proceed with our business as usual.


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