Hi! I'm Ninja. Want to be friends?
I was the first cat to come and live with the Farriers, so I would like to be the first to welcome you to this blog. (To be honest, I don't really know what a blog is. Prince said, "Just type, Ninja. Just type," so I am. He says people (that's you) will read this and know us. That's good. I like to know new people, and I think you'll like to know us, too. We're nice! Well, mostly.
Anyway - I don't remember much about being a kitten. My sister and I were abandoned, I think. I can't imagine anyone wanting to abandon me, though, so I prefer to imagine we were left as a gift for someone to find. It's a nice story. <sigh> Anyway again, we are found by a nice lady who owns TWO houses! My sister lives in one of them with her, and I live here with my family. It was a nice ending.
This is me when I was small. I was so cute!
I was very little when I came here. I think I've grown a lot since then. Either that, or all the places I used to sleep have gotten smaller. I'm not sure which one is true. I'm still working on figuring that out. At first, I got tired a LOT because I was the only cat. (We already had a bird, but she didn't ever play with me much. She still doesn't. For some reason, they don't let me get too close to her. That's too bad. She seems delicious. I mean, nice.)
Before too long, though, they got me a friend! I remember it like it was yesterday. (It wasn't, though. I'm not good with time, but it had to be at least a few days ago. Maybe even more.) One morning I was walking down the stairs, when something furry and little just ran into me for no reason! At first, I thought it was a rat, and I was very scared. I have heard my people say that the reason they got me was to get rid of rats, but I am SO glad I've never actually had to see one! I've heard they're even bigger than moths, and moths are scary enough! Anyway again again, something ran into me, and I didn't know what it was, except that it smelled dirty and like the outside. It actually knocked me off my feet, which is hard, because I have four feet. was so confused!
The Big Guy picked up the furry thing, and shut it in the bathroom. All day, I sniffed under the door, putting my paw through and talking to whatever it was inside.Well, now I know. It wasn't just a thing. It was my new friend, Prince! He's kind of a tough guy (and a little intimidating sometimes, to be honest), but he's my bestest friend. We even spent the summer together, and he helped me recover when I was so sick I almost died. (Almost, though. I didn't really die. I promise.)
Since then, we have a new addition to the house. I don't know what to think about her. She's not a cat. She's not a bird. She's a DOG. At least, I think. That's what Prince says, and he usually knows these things. Sometimes she woofs at me, but mostly she just ignores that we are here. I don't know if that's good or bad. I'm still working on figuring THAT out, too.
Anyway, again again again, that's me. And us. And, now you, too! (Wait. Is that right?) I hope you come back often and we can be friends. I like friends, but I also like naps on my girl's bed. That's what I'm going to go do right now.